Last weekend I pulled my engine, a bit more of a struggle than I bargained for with the engine hoist not wanting to fit under the car but it made it out.
The main reason for the removal is to re-seal the entire engine due to all these leaks developing over 10 years of hard use. The worst of which, was a persistant water leak that appears to have developed from behind the lower rear timing cover. Definitely not an easy fix. Unfortunately, due to the usual circumstances, I could not get around to fixing it proper until now and the car was going through more coolant than I could afford, and then more distiled water that I could find while out and about. So the end result is running straight water for 2 years, and corroding the crap out of everything.
(click pictures to make larger)
Yes, that is a 2JZ sitting in the background. No, I don't have plans for it currently.
Can still see the resurfacing machining marks on the flywheel and the clutch has plenty of meat left after 10 years of thrashing.
The rust has done a number on my poor engine. Up until the leak, I had been running nothing but Toyota red coolant and distilled water.
The heater hose fitting looks the worst so far, but was fairly easy to remove with PB Blaster and a really large breaker pipe.
Cleaned up the trans and settled down for the day, as I mentally prepare myself to remove the cam towers in a tedious bolt loosening sequence and bagging the lash adjusters.